Esmeralda, 116cm x 114cm
The stunning collection of figurative paintings by Patrick
Boussignac forms a personal and innovative visual universe pretty appealing.
His canvases are generally representing in a realistic manner one or several
characters, with multiples and diverse cultures ascendances. These characters
are fascinating as they are bringing a subtle mix of erotic and anxiety
(thinness, dimness, dizziness sensation, violence and even death
The artist is staging his characters in a very theatrical
manner by seizing classical patterns and themes from literature, art history
and myths. Indeed, the amount of inspiration sources we can feel from Patrick
Boussignac’s works is quite impressive. We easily can figure out his allusion
to the realistic, orientalist, fantastic and surrealistic movements, to the
Italian Renaissance painting and pre-raphaelism era, to some exotic or familiar
cultural identities, to comic books, to fashion photography and to abstract
art. The audience is thus projected in a sensitive and intellectual vision,
which push oneself to the introspection and to a reflection on the look we
grant to the piece of art in the museum.
Could you briefly tell us about your artistic path?
I received at first a formation in applied arts to then
specialize in “peintres de la Réalité” (painters of Reality) who are experts in
mural trompe-l’oeil and old-fashioned techniques (like Henri Cadiou, Claude Yvel,
Nadine Leprince, etc…). Afterwards, I met Gerard Di Maccio, who makes me try
the fantastic painting style for a short period. I find also interest in poster
creation, press illustration and comic books. Nevertheless, if I get inspired
by all these experiences, I see myself as a painter above all and developing my
own pictorial universe became quickly obvious.
I noticed some aspects of your canvases made innovative
layouts if compared to classic painting. Are you inspired by specific
movements, styles or artists?
Of course, but often
in an unconscious way, except for my first paintings where I clearly and
impudently took my inspiration from Mondrian – say I was extending his work. But my
unconscious is so full/packed of hundreds of hours spent in museum that my hand
will one day or another builds up on something which touched or impressed me.
Running lady, (Private Collection – Kazakhstan) 116cmx140 cm
Starting block lady (80F) (Private collection-Avenue Foch Paris)
Could you detail what are your favorite techniques?
I use the most classic techniques of all: I sketch with tempura. Once I made the outline, I finalize my works with oil painting, sometimes realizing glazing or impaste aspects.
Le siège de la Rochelle, 195x130 cm
How important is figuration to you? Are you inspired by people, pictures or do your characters stem from your imagination?
I consider myself as lucky to have such a drawing gift and I try to make the most of it by working and training a lot. Realistic figuration deserves to me special attention because it is understandable and aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, this style allows to show my dexterity. For each canvas, the preparation work is really important: documentation, pictures, color atmosphere, characters positioning, etc… Hence, I make preliminary sketches but as my creations are reflecting a personal vision, there is always an incidental part.
Le Vol d Icare, (Private Collection-Metz) 146x114cm
I could notice that you often make the interesting choice to mix several cultural identities around a classic theme. What is important to you in this type of representation and how do you chose iconographic patterns?
All is about putting ideas together, using metonymy. I am looking for similarity among different myths and religions to link them to different cultural ascendances. By cross-funding, I create representations staging diverse imaginaries, allowing a detachment and an innovative look on how questioning identities.
The truth, 100x100 cm
The Bermuda triangle, 130x162cm
Fantastic scenes are resulting from these replenishments,
breaking up with the representative codes of art history, and intriguing art
lovers. Patrick Boussignac’s canvases are full of multiple artistic references
and cultural analogies. They get mixed up to create new iconographies by which
the artist illustrates his own mythology.
I strongly advise the reader to take a look at the artist’s
page where more of his work can be seen and bought.
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